Prentice, who does most of her singing these days on cruise ships around the world, is set to perform at the Taieri College Performing Arts Centre in a rare outing in the South.
The "Afternoon with Suzanne Prentice" will be held at the college on April 13.
Prentice said she could not remember the last time she had taken to the stage in the Dunedin area, but she was looking forward to it.
Her granddaughter Brodie Dalton was set to be part of the college’s art and music trip to Europe later this year.
The trip was a mixture of seeing some sights and education, and of course funds were needed.
Wanting to be supportive, Prentice said she had come up with the idea of the concert and the family was fully supportive.
Every little bit helped.
She said it would be a mixture of singing and talking and would last up to about two hours.
Tickets can be bought at the college.
An afternoon tea will be served.
The singer said she would be a bit nervous getting back on stage but it would be fun to play at a college.
Prentice is set to sing on cruise ships in Europe later this year and said it was very enjoyable.
She had become eligible for a Gold Card last year, turning 65, and was keeping busy.
She was a board member of the ILT and a trustee on the Otago Southland Rescue Helicopter Trust.