The theatre, owned and operated by Taieri Dramatic Society, hosts shows and operates a costume hire business as a way of raising funds to cover ongoing costs and necessary maintenance.
Society treasurer Bernadette Hay said the costume hire department was important to the ongoing viability of the theatre, so it was important that it ran successfully.
"As a self-funding, not-for-profit organisation, the society relies on the costume hire as a valuable source of funds and reserves," she said.
"We are not here to make a lot of money, but as a community theatre, those funds are crucial."
Last year, the society concentrated on upgrading the lighting for shows and other maintenance at the theatre, so had only presented a couple of shows. It hoped to stage more productions this year.
Since the recent departure of the theatre’s long-standing wardrobe supervisor, Mrs Hay has been overseeing the wardrobe department herself.
"So, the time has come to re-organise the wardrobe and costume hire, to spread the load."
With that in mind, Mrs Hay is keen to assemble a team of volunteers with the skills and interest to manage the costumes, who can take on the running of the wardrobe.
"The wardrobe holds thousands of items of clothing, all the accessories and character costumes.
"These have predominantly come from costumes that have been put together for productions and we have had items donated as well."
The costumes included items representing a broad range of fashion eras — from medieval to Victorian and modern times.
"What we need is a group of people who are interested in having a hand in all the aspects of costume care: washing and mending, maintenance and costume hire.
"And if we actually have a team of volunteers, then it won’t be too onerous for any one person."
Mrs Hay is keen to hear from anyone who would like to be involved in the Fire Station Theatre wardrobe department.
For more information and expressions of interest, phone the theatre on 027589-3088.