First thing in the morning, watching TV, on the toilet and one last time before going to bed. These are the times and places that many people access their social media accounts, a survey has found.
More than 35 per cent of people said they accessed social media sites at least once a day, up 30 per cent from last year, the Yellow Pages Social Media report found.
One in 10 people admitted that their use peaked to more than five times at a day with many saying that they spent six hours per week on Facebook.
Five per cent said they used social media while on the toilet, more than a third said it was the first thing they did in the morning and 40 per cent admitted they checked their account one last time before bed.
More than 30 per cent said they had integrated social media use while watching TV, especially reality shows and news and current affair.
"Some of us create social media aliases ranging from pets, children, sporting teams and stuffed toys," the report said.
"And despite the increasing emphasis on social media, most of us don't think we spend too much time on social media.
"We reckon we have it just about right."
Only one in four people said they felt they spent too much time on their accounts.
Facebook continues to be the favoured channel for users with 97 per cent of those survey having an active account.
However, Twitter use has also increased to 14 per cent, up from eight per cent in 2011.
The report polled 1016 Australians.