Balkan Sounds
My accordion.
Q Your favourite 1980s television show?
Sherlock Holmes, by British television company Granada.
Q Your dream job as a child?
An actor.
Q The first album you owned?
Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Q If you weren't a musician, what would you be?
A geologist.
Q Who would play you in a film?
Al Pacino.
Q Worst job you've ever had?
Shovelling pig manure.
Q What song do you wish you wrote?
Summertime, by George Gershwin.
Q Your biggest fear?
Q Any vices?
Smoking, but I don't see it as a vice.
In Serbia, everybody smokes, it's allowed in bars, in restaurants - not in schools, in hospitals - but everybody smokes and cigarettes are really, really cheap.
Q Where would you take someone to eat in Serbia?
I would take them to a boathouse on one of the Belgrade rivers.
These boathouses have all kinds of music, from gypsy music to techno.
Q Where would you order them to eat?
Pljeskavica - which is hamburger.
Q Best food you've eaten in Dunedin?
Smoked salmon sausages from Otago Farmers Market.
I was so impressed - it was amazing.
Q Last movie you really enjoyed?
Melancholia, a Danish art film starring Kirsten Dunst.
Q For your ultimate music festival, who would be the five artists - living or dead - to headline the event?
Jazz musician Pat Metheny, Rebirth Brass Band from New Orleans, dubstep DJ Skrillex and Amy Winehouse and Modern Maori Quartet - they were amazing.
Q What makes your blood boil?
Daily politics in Serbia, which has become an MTV show.
• Balkan Sounds is on at St Paul's Cathedral at 1pm today.