Cooper top same as Topshop design

Fashion designer Trelise Cooper is demanding answers from an overseas supplier after a grey top in her latest collection was revealed to be identical to one sold in a British chain store.

The Herald on Sunday reported one of its writers had tried on the top, featuring a red ribbon embroidered on the front, at Topshop in London. There, it was designed by Markus Lupfer.

The writer was surprised to see the same garment on the catwalk in Cooper's Fashion Week show.

Cooper told the newspaper the double-up was "devastating" and blamed her embroidery supplier.

She would be telling the supplier not to double sell again.

"We have mean media in New Zealand who point this out," would be her message," she said.

Cooper could prove she had not seen Lupfer's design until last week.

"I didn't even know it was in Topshop," she said.

Four years ago, Cooper settled out of court with Arrowtown accessories designer Tamsin Cooper after accusing the latter of breach of copyright over her name.

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