What's on: August 3 - August 13

on "cruelty-free farming" and the SPCA blue tick by Stephanie Saunders, regional chief inspector and branch co-ordinator, RNZSPCA. Botanic Garden Centre, upper Lovelock Ave, noon.

Otago Lily Society
meets at the Maori Hill community centre, corner Highgate and Balmacewen Rd at 2pm. Bring a trowel, gardening gloves and any unwanted lily bulbs for lily potting. Inquiries 486-2214.

Sunday, August 5
Otago Rose Society
coffee and cake afternoon, St Peter's Church hall, Hillside Rd, 2.30pm. Raffle. All welcome.

Monday, August 6
Maori Hill Garden Club
meets at the Balmacewen Bowling Club, Balmacewen Rd, 10.30am. Speakers from the Dunedin City Library. Members and visitors most welcome. Contact 466-7879.

North Otago Garden Club annual meeting, Foundation of the Blind Hall, 7.30pm. Marion Partridge will give a floral demonstration. Competition: spring blossom and yams. Please bring a small plate for supper.

Tuesday, August 7
Brockville Garden Club
meets in the Community Church Hall at 1.30pm. Speaker Paulette. Afternoon tea, raffles and sales table. All welcome.

Bonsai meeting, Holy Cross Church Hall, Ajax St, St Kilda at 7.30pm. A presentation on moss by John Steel. Display trees will be competing for the mini-show trophy. Contact 454-2113.

Wednesday, August 8
Dunedin Rhododendron Group
meets at the Botanic Garden Centre, Lovelock Ave, 7.30pm. Speaker Susan More. Visitors welcome.

Taieri Garden Club meets in the McKerrow Lounge, Presbytarian Church, Mosgiel, at 7.30pm. Speaker: Robyn Abernrthy on alpines. Competition, sales table and supper. Visitors and new members welcome. Contact Amy (489-1473) or Nola (476-3994).

Thursday, August 9
Blueskin Garden Club
meets at the Blueskin Nursery Cafe at 7pm. Evening includes coffee and dessert, so bring money to cover this. Speakers Mark Brown and David Sumpter. Inquiries to 482-2822 or 482-2896.

Fairfield Gardening Club is holding an interest night: "How to Make a Scarecrow". Our competition is the completed scarecrow; and two leeks, three silverbeet stalks.

Monday, August 13
Otago/Southland branch of the NZ Camellia Society
will hold its monthly meeting at St Peter's Church Hall, corner Hillside Rd and Eastbourne St, South Dunedin. Speaker: Mrs G Nilson. Supper. Members of the public welcome.

Dunedin Horticultural Society is holding a staging helpers' planning meeting for the 2012 word convention national daffodil show, national camellia competition and South Island bonsai exhibition in the Janet Cameron Lounge, Shand St, Green Island at 7.30pm. Inquiries to Ron (489-5261) or Bert (476-4353).

Contact us
Email notices by noon Wednesday to odt.features@odt.co.nz or write to ODT Editorial Features, PO Box 181, Dunedin.

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