Tomorrow, June 30
North Otago Rose Society rose-pruning demonstration at Oamaru North School, 1pm. Inquiries to Christine 434-2223.
Monday 2nd July
North Otago Garden Clubpot-luck tea, Foundation of the Blind Hall, 6pm. Bring food for main course, your own plates and cutlery, dessert will be provided. You may like to bring a table design using succulents.
Tuesday, July 3
Brockville Garden Club midyear pot-luck lunch, Community Church Hall, noon. Raffles, sales table. Please bring can of food.
Bonsai meeting, Holy Cross Hall, Ajax St. Pot-luck tea at 6.30pm (please bring along food to share) followed by a talk and a workshop with Tony Bywater, from Christchurch. Members to bring along a tree that they require guidance on for the workshop. Contact (03) 454-2113.
Friday, July 6
HortTalk: "An introduction to hydroponics - how it fits with sustainability", by Shaun Shale. Dunedin Botanic Garden Centre, Lovelock Ave, noon.
Otago Lily Society bulb auction, St James Presbyterian Church hall, Prince Albert Rd, South Dunedin, 1.30pm. Public viewing from 1pm. Good-quality and unusual bulbs available.
Wednesday, July 11
Taieri Garden Club midwinter dinner at Blackstones, Mosgiel at 6.45pm. Phone Amy 489-1473 or Nola 476-3994 before July 9.
Saturday, July 14
The Dunedin Horticultural Society will hold its annual meeting at the Wesley St Methodist Church on the corner of Hillside Rd and Wesley St, South Dunedin, at 2pm. Afternoon tea will follow. All welcome. Inquiries to Susan 488-4054.
Contact us
Email notices by noon Wednesday to or write to ODT Editorial Features, PO Box 181, Dunedin.