Saddle Hill Community Board chairman Scott Weatherall is confident development of the Brighton Domain will be able to go ahead soon.
Issues with the drainage of the domain, beautification of the surrounding area and the facilities offered at the domain remained, but he met the Dunedin City Council last month and now felt ''lots more confident'' work would be carried out to improve the recreation area.
''We believe we have set some wheels in motion,'' Mr Weatherall said, when contacted by Taieri Times last week.
''They [DCC] are now in a position to be able to work with us.''
Council parks manager Lisa Wheeler said there was ''no fixed plan yet'' on when work would be carried out or the nature of the work, but the council hoped to have some planning done in consultation with the community board ''within this calendar year''.
''What we have said to them is we have got some budget we can assign to this,'' she said.
The council would assign funding based on the priorities of the community.
''There will be a couple of big works, like trying to seal the driveway, that we will have to put in the annual plan,'' Ms Wheeler said.
''But there will be capacity within their budget to put contributions towards those.''
Mr Weatherall said the community board had ''some ideas'' about what work would be prioritised, but it wanted the input of the wider community.
Improvements to the drainage of the domain, sealing the driveway and adding a softball diamond were some of the the community board's priorities.
''We are going to call a community meeting,'' he said.
''We will be asking them to give some thoughts. Nothing is going to happen without another round of consultation.''
In the ''long-term'' the community board would like to install a permanent cricket pitch, he said.
While the details of work was being established, he asked the community to help keep the domain as presentable as possible.
''We encourage the community to own the Brighton Domain,'' Mr Weatherall said.
''If they see some rubbish, pick it up and put it in the rubbish bin.''