The device was was widely ridiculed after being shared on social media yesterday afternoon, tweeters calling it "creepy" and "bizarre".
However, the project’s lead researcher, University of Otago health sciences pro-vice-chancellor Paul Brunton, said critics of the invention misunderstood the intention of the device.
Otago and United Kingdom researchers developed the world-first weight-loss device, which uses magnets to lock the mouth almost shut, to help fight the global obesity epidemic.
DentalSlim Diet Control is an intra-oral device fitted by a dental professional to the upper and lower back teeth.
It used magnetic devices with unique custom-manufactured locking bolts.
Prof Brunton said it was not intended to be used for general weight-loss purposes, but instead for specific cases where there was a clinical need to lose weight quickly.
"Sometimes the first step [of losing weight] is quite difficult ... so it was developed with a view of being an additional treatment that could be used in selected cases where it’s appropriate."
Feedback from colleagues in the field had been positive he said.
The device allows the wearer to open their mouths only about 2mm, restricting them to a liquid diet, but it allows free speech and does not restrict breathing.
Participants in a Dunedin trial lost an average of 6.36kg in two weeks and were motivated to continue with their weight loss journey.
It would fitted by a dentist, and could be released by the user in case of an emergency and could be repeatedly fitted and removed.
"The main barrier for people for successful weight loss is compliance and this helps them establish new habits, allowing them to comply with a low-calorie diet for a period of time.
"It really kickstarts the process. It is a non-invasive, reversible, economical and attractive alternative to surgical procedures," Prof Brunton said.

The practice of surgically wiring people’s jaws shut became popular in the 1980s, but it came with risks; vomiting brought with it the risk of choking and after nine to 12 months the patients developed gum disease.
In some cases, there were continuing issues with restriction of jaw movement and some developed acute psychiatric conditions.
"Alternative strategies are required which may obviate surgery, or which reduce weight prior to surgery and so make it easier and safer.
"The beauty of it is that once patients are fitted with the device, after two or three weeks they can have the magnets disengaged.
"They could then have a period with a less restricted diet and then go back into treatment."
Patients given the device described it as tolerable, though the design had since been improved.
"This could actually help a lot of people."
The research team consisted of Prof Brunton, Dr Jithendra Ratnayake, Dr Peter Mei and Dr Arthi Veerasamy, all of the University of Otago, Dr Jonathan Bodansky, of Leeds, and Dr Richard Hall, of RMH Consultancy, Leeds.
The paper was published in the British Dental Journal.
Hey, how about we do something about fat-shaming, the diet industry and making a healthy diet more affordable?
You can claim this offers a great "kickstart" but I'd like to see the numbers longterm because I'm betting it's similar to any other fad diet. Yeah it does work initially but when you don't actually solve any of the problems at hand then how do you expect to afford longterm change?
Lets not even get into the implications that fat people are lazy, unmotivated and don't have willpower. This device is gross, fat shaming and clearly has no idea what the real issues are surrounding fat issues and fat lives. You can heck right off with this one.
Has choking or mouth hygiene been taken into consideration. I also agree 100% with the first comment. It is fat shaming. Haven't we all had enough of shaming people for skin colour, ethnicity, gender, age and now weight. When does it stop and we start actually encouraging people with positivity.
Yes, if you had read the story, you would have indeed noted that choking and hygeine had been mentioned. Dental correction braces face similar image and hygeine issues. You may have also read that in the past, people have had their mouths wired shut to restrict their food intake. Do you not think this clinical device is less extreme? nor is it a permanent fitment. It has magnets, so at some point of pressure you could no doubt open you mouth fully. The magnets act as a temporary restriction device to limit what you can eat to allow faster weight loss. Some people get themselves into such a tragic state in regard to their weight that they need to be operated on. However, due to their obesity, issues are created in the use of general anesthetic. It's a vicious cycle. No one is 'fat shaming' anyone, I can't see how someone would be offended by this device? It's an remarkably simple and clever clinical tool that may well indeed save peoples lives.....
People are very fast to get offended and shout "fat shaming" !!!.....
For goodness sakes, nowhere in this story has anyone 'fat shamed' anyone else, and nowhere has it implied that it would be forced on people.
Yes, it's creepy, yes, it looks a tad bizarre, but, as stated.....
Quote: "Prof Brunton said it was not intended to be used for general weight-loss purposes, but instead for specific cases where there was a clinical need to lose weight quickly."
In other words, it's an option for those whom have a risk of serious health implications that may indeed save their lives and wish to loose weight for surgery. It's a clinical tool folks.
We're in a modern society where food has never been so easily available. We consume more than we ever did, and we also consume far more food and alcohol than we ever could in the past. On top of that food producers have added so much more sugar and salt to boost the taste, that increases consumption that increases producers profits, along with some slick advertising and marketing to keep drawing us in.
Nothing to do with skin colour, ethnicity, gender or age. It's the same as smoking, alcoholism and drugs. Food has become addictive.
Did you guys even read the article, talk about miscomprehension. It's for special case scenarios, for example if someone it too obese to undergo anesthesia and will die if they can't lose weight to have a surgery. It's going to save lives for goodness sake. Too worried about your woke fat shaming rubbish to see beyond it.