'Like the good old days' - new footpath welcomed

Rachel Wesley and daughter Mihi Wesley-Evans (7) enjoy skating on a section of the new footpath...
Rachel Wesley and daughter Mihi Wesley-Evans (7) enjoy skating on a section of the new footpath at Harington Point during a community gathering yesterday. Photo by Linda Robertson.

A new footpath is leading the Harington Point community back to the good old days when neighbours yarned over the front fence.

As part of the Dunedin City Council's road-widening project between Vauxhall and Harington Point, the community had been given its first footpath.

Resident Natalie Karaitiana was amazed something as simple as a footpath was having such a dramatic impact on the community.

''Locals around the kaik [area] are pretty happy with the new footpath. Our tamariki [children] are already enjoying riding their bikes on it, and more whanau are out walking.

''It's drawing our community that much closer. We've noticed with the increase in people walking by, they're so much friendlier - like the good old days.''

Mrs Karaitiana said the new path was a godsend because, previously, residents had no choice but to walk on the road, which was a major safety hazard.

''We'll notice a difference in the winter.

''There's grass on both sides of the road that tend to get very waterlogged, and we normally walk in the middle of the road to keep dry.

''Getting around to the wharf with your fishing gear, walking the dog, getting to the beach, riding horses - it's going to be that much safer walking up the road now,'' she said.

To celebrate the completion of the new footpath this week, the community held a spontaneous ''Street Meet'' yesterday, to thank everyone who played a part in bringing the path to fruition.


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