More colour on campus

Montreal-based artist Fluke and assistant Talia Carin (pictured) have continued to make progress on the Castle St lecture theatre mural.

The mural is the first to be painted on the University of Otago's campus, and was commissioned after a successful street art project on an Otago University Students Association building last year.

The mural is based on a photograph of a university student and an elder exchanging a hongi, and its design was consulted on extensively with the university's office of Maori development before being approved.

OUSA communications manager Tess Trotter said the mural would ''hopefully'' be done by this time next week, depending on the weather.

It had attracted

''a bit'' of interest on social media, with passersby posting photos of the mural with the hashtag #dunedincampusart.

''The feedback has been really positive,'' she said.

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