The Carisbrook Hotel in Caversham is listed on Harcourts’ website as a "must-sell".
The hotel became notorious after it was revealed it was housing people in emergency circumstances in conditions that some described as "worse than prison".
The government branded it "not a suitable option" for emergency accommodation, leading the Ministry of Social Development to stop referringhomeless people to its rooms.
The hotel was eventually closed last year.
The property’s listing said the site’s zoning, size and location should give potential buyers "some confidence for the future".
"The hotel has had a checkered recent past, now vacant for some time, it could operate again as a pub as most of the necessary basics to trade are still in place or for any other commercial use that is allowed by council.
"Upstairs, which is in poor condition, there are nine old-style pub bedrooms, toilet and bathroom facilities, large north-facing lounge with basic kitchen facilities."
Harcourts Dunedin agent Jim Packer declined to comment when asked about the hotel’s recent past, or whether there had been any interest in the property from prospective buyers.
"I am only under instruction to sell it; that’s all I’m going to say," he said.
Harcourts has marketed the property as one for residential property developers, community groups, commercial property developers, hoteliers, or any other group or individual.
It said the building, which sat on a 945sqm freehold section and had a building floor area of 470sqm over two levels, was in a "prime corner location" but was considered earthquake prone.
Former Carisbrook Hotel operator Kirsten Swale said it was "good news" the hotel was for sale.
"To be honest, all the problems associated with the hotel can be blamed on its [former owner] Jacky Cheung.
"I’m just glad that it will become available to the community again."
The deadline for sale is February 5, otherwise it will go to auction that day.