Public say in music choice

Expect something a little different on the stage in the Octagon this New Year's Eve.

For the first time, the public will get to choose some of the bands that will play centre stage in Dunedin on the big night.

Dunedin City Council events and community development manager Rebecca Williams, who has recently taken over the management of council events, wanted to get the Dunedin public involved in the event by opening up the choice of two support bands for the main act, Bluestone.

Because it was a new concept, a panel would be randomly selected this year to shortlist bands.

Depending on the outcome of this year's event, the selection could in future be opened up to the wider public.

The public panel would comprise, among others, a younger person, an older person and a parent.

As well, technicians running the stage would shortlist bands from demonstration DVDs and CDs sent to the council.

The panel had not been chosenAn address to send demonstration discs would be published shortly, with an entry closing date of August 20.

Anyone could forward a demo DVD or CD, but the music would have to have popular appeal.

Events team leader Marilyn Anderson said bands that played covers would be ideal.

Bands should supply information about their size, style and technical requirements.

There would be physical limitations on the size of band that could play on the stage.

It was an opportunity for bands to play in front of up to 15,000 people, she said.



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