Oil Free Otago protesters picket Polarcus Naila, which docked yesterday morning at the Fryatt St wharf, in Dunedin.
Oil Free Otago spokeswoman Annabeth Cohen claimed the seismic vessel was a risk to marine mammals and was not welcome in the South.
She said both Anadarko and New Zealand Oil and Gas had contracted the vessel for seismic ocean blasting.
Anadarko planned to test in the Canterbury Basin, and NZOG in the Great South Basin.
Anadarko New Zealand country manager Alan Seay said the protesters had a right to their view.
''We live in a free country and it's people's right to protest.''
Dunedin city councillor Andrew Whiley, speaking as ProGas Otago spokesman, said many objections to seismic survey were factually incorrect.
''This continued research shows the value that these companies see in a potential gas find that would greatly benefit Dunedin, Otago and the rest of New Zealand.''