Hundreds of attendees gathered at the Glenroy Auditorium yesterday for the first session of the three-day event, hosted by Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu and mana whenua Te Runanga o Otakou.
Among the first keynote speakers were Dunedin’s Cassidy whanau, who spoke of their experiences growing up and learning about their culture.
Pictured during their presentation yesterday are (from left) Komene Cassidy, Hana-Amaia Tamati-Paratene, Kiringaua Cassidy, Te Atarau Cassidy, Tumai Cassidy, Riiti Conway, Tutemakohu Tamati-Elliffe and Paulette Tamati-Elliffe.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was supposed to attend yesterday, but after fog prevented her from travelling to Dunedin, she spoke via Zoom instead.