The group supporting the Awatea St stadium in Dunedin is still together, despite a period of relative silence, its spokesman says.
Our Stadium Supporters club secretary Tim Calder said yesterday the group may have been "a wee bit complacent" in not attending city and regional council annual plan hearings this year.
Mr Calder was asked to respond to Otago Regional Council chairman Stephen Cairns' question of stadium supporters last week: "Where the hell are you?"Mr Cairns' comments came after a round of hearings where the vast majority of submissions were against both councils' plans to fund the stadium.
There have been rumours Our Stadium no longer exists or has had a 60% drop in membership.
Mr Calder said membership did "fluctuate", but the group still had about 3000 people on its database, compared with an original figure of about 3500.
"We're right on the ball - we're still there."
Asked about the non-appearance at the annual plan hearings, he said members probably thought "common sense would prevail".
"I think the antis [stadium opponents], to their credit, have been a bit better organised."
After Mr Cairns' comments, he said group members had been urged to email him with their support for the stadium.
"I think Stephen Cairns would have got a huge number of emails."
Members of the group had been meeting and had been helping the Carisbrook Stadium Trust with its work selling stadium packages.