Motorcyclists killed at weekend named

Police have named the two motorcyclists killed on the country's roads at the weekend.

Benjamin Tattersal, 34, of Henderson, died when he failed to negotiate a sharp right hand bend on rural Waitakere Road in Kumeu, northwest of Waitakere, around 10.40pm on Friday.

Mr Tattersal died at the scene after hitting a pole on the side of the road. Kumeu police said there was no obvious cause for the crash, which happened in dry conditions.

The police Serious Crash Unit is investigating the crash. The motorcycle was undergoing a mechanical check and Environmental Science and Research (ESR) was investigating whether alcohol was involved.

The second motorcyclist was Brett Arthur Collings, 59, of Whitby, north of Wellington.

He was riding with the Ulysses motorcycle club west of Taumarunui when he lost control and hit a fence on Ohura Rd about 6pm yesterday.