The Greens launched their campaign at Miramar South School this morning by dipping their feet in paint with children from the school, and standing on a banner that will be delivered to Parliament.
Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei said New Zealand should be a great place to grow up.
"None of us want children living in cold damp homes, or going to school with an empty tummy."
Mrs Turei has timed the launch ahead of the first reading of her member's bill that would make the in-work tax credit available to parents on a benefit.
She said 270,000 children in New Zealand live in poverty, 234,000 of them live in beneficiary families and were not entitled to up to $90 a week under the current legislation.
The Government has said it will not support the bill and the Labour Party intends supporting it to its first reading.
The Green Party also supports the Children's Commissioner's expert group's call for a universal child payment.
The Greens' "take the step to help end child poverty" campaign calls on the public to write to politicians and organise events to raise awareness.