Love Dog Squad? Can’t get enough of Shortland Street paramedics? Never missed Police Ten 7?
These high profile careers were among the options being showcased at the Otago Uniformed Services Expo on Saturday, after three successful events held in Southland earlier this year.
Workers in a range of uniformed jobs suited up at the Forrester Park Kennel Club in Dunedin, giving attendees the opportunity to engage with the tools of the trade through several interactive sessions.
The event was aimed at introducing people of all ages to the range of career pathways available within the Defence Force, Fire and Emergency, Hato Hone St John, Police, Corrections, Land Search & Rescue and limited service volunteers

"We've made this event more interactive, so people can actually look inside an ambulance, play with the sirens of a fire engine, and more," she said.
Senior Constable Toni Wall emphasized the wide range of roles available within the Police, from community prevention work, through to investigations and specialist squads.
"We want a range of people," she said.
"We need diversity, so Māori, Pasifika, ethnic, women, people of all ages. And bringing people of their personalities to work and all their knowledge and experience."

"These guys have done this. We've just put it together."
"But they've given up their time to come down here today so we really appreciate the support that we've actually had from the ones that've been the exhibitors."
She said attendees were pleased to gain a better understanding of what it takes to tackle these essential roles, and is hoping many will be inspired to explore career opportunities in uniformed services.
- By Fahim Ahmadasri, made with the support of NZ On Air