There was a large attendance, including many residents of Queenstown and the surrounding country, and the ceremony was a most impressive one.
On the arrival of the SS Earnslaw at Glenorchy the school children sang the National Anthem, and the Vice-regal party were afterwards escorted up to the Earnslaw Hotel, where they were entertained at luncheon by the members of the Fallen Soldiers’ Committee.
The unveiling and dedication of the memorial took place at 2pm, when a large crowd assembled in the vicinity of the Post Office, where the monument stands in full view of the passers-by.
The proceedings opened and closed with the National Anthem, and the assemblage also joined in the hymn "O God Our Help."
Bugler A. Mayne (Queenstown) sounded the "Last Post."
When his Excellency had accomplished the unveiling he laid a beautiful wreath at the foot of the monument, and similar tributes were placed on it by the Queenstown Patriotic and Red Cross Societies, the Glenorchy and Rees Valley Schools, and by relatives and friends of the fallen soldiers.
The memorial, which stands 15 feet 6 inches high, and is 9ft square at the base, takes the form of a monument in Carrara marble, the figure of a New Zealand soldier surmounting a marble base, which in turn stands on three concrete tiers.
When the water runs out

It looks as though "Adam’s wine" might soon be as costly as whisky.
Two or three nights ago I returned to my bedroom and turned on the common or garden electric light.
Then in a moment a guilty thrill ran through me, and I turned it off, the oppression of my private, public and municipal responsibilities weighing heavily upon my tired mind.
Stealthily I disrobed myself, gropingly I found my way to the virtuous couch and lay down with a superb consciousness of duty done.
Surely I had conserved at least a millionth part of a teaspoonful for the reservoirs.
— by ‘Wayfarer’
Leading a horse to Water St
A meeting of the committee of the Otago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was held yesterday.
Reports had been received regarding the necessity for taking steps to prevent animals from slipping and falling in Water Street, near the Stock Exchange buildings.
It appears that though this street was very suitable for motor vehicles, it was difficult, owing to its smooth nature, for horses to keep their footing.
The inspector was instructed to report on the matter.
Mt Cook grandeur
It is a great experience, and unique in New Zealand, to find yourself "at home" nearly 7000 feet above the sea, with a vast panorama of alps and glaciers; Mount Cook at your elbow, and all the comforts of home at your back. The scene from King Memorial Hut is indescribably grand. It commands the whole of the Tasman Glacier from the Hochstetter Dome, six miles below the Ball Hut; the whole of the Malte Brun Range and most of the Liebig Range opposite; the Hochstetter Falls and the grand grand sweep of the Hochstetter Glacier as it swings southwards from its steep fall and merges in the Tasman; the lovely snow slopes at the head of the Tasman; and the high peaks such as Silberhorn, Haidinger and Haast, which continue the Mount Cook Range northwards as far as the Minarets, Mount de la Beche and Elie de Beaumont.
— ODT, 2.4.1924 (Compiled by Peter Dowden)