In the spotlight

Roxburgh Area School pupils (from left) Kaela Muir (15, year 11), Ruby Parker (17), Tylah Sunderland (17), Ashlyn Reid (16), Amelia Pasco (17) (all year 13), Lauren Kitto (15), Brodie Marsh (15) and Mara McCurdy (15) (all year 11) act out a scene from their school production.

About 180 people turned up to watch the show, Dame Agatha's Greatest Case, on Thursday and Friday last week.

Head of arts and English Barbara Fraser said the show was a classic ''whodunnit'' murder mystery spoof written by Australian playwright Robert Sheppard.

Pupils from year 9 to 13 donned period costumes donated by the Roxburgh Musical Society for the show, which featured gangsters, maids, mistresses and ''beautiful cameo roles'' with ''opportunities for all kinds of acting''.

Feedback had been positive and the audience was very ''responsive''.

The play had been a really good learning experience in terms of the language, which was complex, but the pupils enjoyed it and handled it well, she said.

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