Cold dip, hot soup

Fire drums and lashings of hot soup are being used to encourage people to take part in what is expected to be the coldest-ever Port FM Mid Winter Swim at Friendly Bay near Oamaru tomorrow.

Last year, the annual event, which raises money for the Oamaru Rowing Club, attracted 47 swimmers and 250 spectators. With the South Island still in the grip of a snowstorm, Port FM marketing consultant Sue Fraser said tomorrow's event was on track to be the coldest in its seven-year history.

''Last year it was nice and sunny. It wasn't too cold, although the swimmers thought it was. This year it is going to be quite cold, so we have two drums of fire for people to keep warm and the rowing club will provide a hot cup of soup.''

Registrations were at 10.30am and the swim at 11am. Entry would be by gold coin donation.


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