Mountain bike club opens new tracks

Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher (centre)  cuts a bicycle tyre inner tube to officially open recently...
Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher (centre) cuts a bicycle tyre inner tube to officially open recently created mountain bike tracks at the Oamaru reservoir as Mountain Biking North Otago's Rob Connelly (left) and Grant Alding look on. Photo supplied.
Mountain bikers have a holiday gift - about 4km of new tracks around the Oamaru reservoir created by Mountain Biking North Otago.

While the tracks are not complete and care is needed to ensure they are not damaged when wet, the club has decided to open them for the holidays with entry points from Ardgowan and Reservoir Rds.

The tracks are budgeted to cost about $19,000 when complete, the club having raised money to employ contractors to work on them while its volunteers worked on reinstating the Cape Wanbrow tracks after logging.

''We ask riders to please respect that they are not complete and to avoid riding them in wet weather as this will damage the new earth features. There is no gravel on the tracks and so they are very slippery when wet,'' club member Rob Connelly said.

The club identified the reservoir area as having potential for mountain bike tracks and work started in August after approval was gained from the Waitaki District Council.

Initially, two main tracks were built along with ''peewee'' tracks for children that are flat and can be observed by parents.

Of the two main tracks, one is relatively flat and the other is steeper and more technically demanding.

Mr Connelly said the existing tracks would be completed in the new year and there were plans for others.

Sites had also been identified for sculptures contributed by local artists to add to the attraction.

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