Prefabricated court delivered

Photo by Rebecca Ryan.
Photo by Rebecca Ryan.
Oamaru's new court facility is on track for a mid-June opening, with three prefabricated buildings transported to the Humber St site yesterday.

Pictured are the foundations for the facility, with one of the new buildings to the right of the crane. Groundworks began earlier this month for Oamaru's new purpose-built court facility in the Oamaru Licensing Trust car park.

The next Oamaru District Court hearing is scheduled for June 11 and is likely to be the last held at the Oamaru Opera House.

Oliver Searle, private secretary to Courts Minister Chester Borrows, said there would be an official opening sometime between June 17 and 19.

The prefabricated buildings come from Christchurch. The courtroom and cells have already been used as a temporary court facility in Christchurch, while a public waiting area and the staff and judge spaces have been constructed specifically for Oamaru.

- Rebecca Ryan

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