New river trail close to completion

John Pawson
John Pawson
One of the Upper Clutha Tracks Trust's signature projects, a $500,000 trail linking Lake Hawea and Albert Town, is nearing completion.

The 10km track beside the Hawea River has been completed down to the site of a new swingbridge, which spans the Hawea River near the confluence with the Clutha River, downstream from Albert Town.

The trail will open up public access through the Hawea River basin and the tracks trust wants it eventually to extend down to the Luggate red bridge where SH8A crosses the Clutha River.

Fulton Hogan contractors are working on a $225,000 swingbridge across the Hawea River to complete the final link of the recreational trail between the townships of Lake Hawea and Albert Town.

The new trail links up with the Outlet track, which winds from Albert Town to Wanaka up the Clutha River.

The Hawea River track is one of the first track projects initiated by the tracks trust since its formation in 2006 under the leadership of Wanaka community figure John Pawson.

Mr Pawson was killed in a climbing accident on Mt Aspiring last November, and there has been a call from some local people for the new track to bear his name.

UCCT chairman Tim Dennis said an official opening ceremony for the track was yet to be scheduled, but he expected work to be completed by the end of next month.

Funding grants for the project were made by the New Zealand Transport Agency, Te Araroa Trust, Central Lakes Trust, Queenstown Lakes District Council and the Otago Community Trust.

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