Wakatipu Senior Citizens Association members will observe World Elder Abuse Day today during their regular lunch in Queenstown.
Nationally, Age Concern receives about four referrals regarding elder abuse every day, and other referrals are received by health providers, police, lawyers, community support organisations, and elder abuse and neglect prevention services.
Up to 62% of victims experience psychological abuse, and up to 50% experience material or financial abuse.
About 40% experience physical abuse or neglect.
Age Concern statistics show between 65% and 70% of abused elderly are women, and up to 46% of sufferers live alone.
Up to 80% of abuse is committed by family members - even when the victim is in residential care - and 50% of abusers are children of the victims.
Wakatipu Senior Citizens Association manager Rosie Thompson said the theme for today was purple, the colour associated with elder abuse.
Lunch for the Queenstown members had been donated by Locations Realty, the Mediterranean Market was supplying dessert platters, and Sally Stone and Bridget Mee, of Fab Flowers, would provide a themed floral arrangement for the centrepiece.
Ms Thompson said the Queenstown Primary School kapa haka group would perform for the senior citizens.