Skifields get to work grooming pistes and making snow

Sam Lee grooms snow at the Snow Park. Photo by Matthew Haggart.
Sam Lee grooms snow at the Snow Park. Photo by Matthew Haggart.
Pre-season operations intensified at Wanaka's skifields this week.

Cardrona Alpine Resort began snowmaking on Tuesday, cranking its upgraded $1 million system into gear to supplement an existing snow base of up to 120cm at the top of the mountain.

While Wanaka residents had shivered all week under a layer of inversion cloud and accompanying cool temperatures, mountain skifields above the gloom had found the fine and frosty conditions good for snowmaking, Cardrona marketing manager Nadia Ellis said.

Several large snowfalls during May had left the mountains in "amazing" condition and contributed to the "best ever pre-season conditions in the past decade", she said.

Cardrona will begin staff training soon for the more than 400 people employed to work at the skifield this season.

Pisa Range freestyle terrain facility Snow Park was scheduled to start snowmaking on June 8, general manager Sam Lee said.

Sunny conditions above the inversion cloud had resulted in snowmelt.

"We've lost a lot [of snow] since last week," he said.

Treble Cone acting general manager Tim Hudson said piste groomers had been busy preparing the skifield's main runs and the Saddle area.

"All the main-piste is opened up, groomed, and awaiting more natural snow."

Snowmaking guns had been moved into their positions this week and were "ready and waiting" for lower temperatures to return.

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