Wakatipu High School pupils started their new term of study in a blaze of colours for hotly contested points on Participation Day on Friday.
The day of parade marches and sport began with all 750 pupils plus staff in their five houses performing their well-rehearsed routines of steps, moves and chants in unison.
Principal Steve Hall, also one of the judges, said Participation Day was essentially a sports day with house culture incorporated. All pupils were encouraged to join in.
''The day builds house spirit and camaraderie among students at the beginning of the year,'' Mr Hall said.
''House leaders prepared quite some time ago and the students put in a lot of hard work.''
Points awarded by the judges made a ''substantial contribution'' to the points needed to win the overall house competition at the end of the year, he said.
James Beech captured some of the fun and colour of the day.