Red tape does not seem to be a problem for most people getting resource consents processed by the Clutha District Council, the latest survey from the local authority reveals.
A random selection of 30 applicants were canvassed on the processing systems and all areas passed with flying colours.
The results reveal a 99% satisfaction rate, although there were some areas that could be improved, council planning and environment manager Murray Brass said.
Of the 27 responses returned, six came from individuals and the other 21 from surveyors or consultants acting of behalf of applicants.
The applications involved a mix of consents ranging from subdivision and land use to a combination of both.
Mr Brass said the most positive feedback regarded the time taken for the council to process applications.
The personal and practical approach of staff was also noted.
While Mr Brass said there were no major areas of concerns, some responses suggested dissatisfaction over certain issues.
There were two complaints of problems dealing with other agencies; financial contributions for water and sewage services were deemed to be deterring residential development; and there was a call for the Milton flood maps to be updated.
"Interestingly, there was only one comment this time that fees were too high, compared to three comments last year," he said.