Railway station may be relocated

The Mataura railway station, which could be relocated within Mataura, if a consent is granted....
The Mataura railway station, which could be relocated within Mataura, if a consent is granted. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
A decision is yet to be made regarding the worn and beleaguered Mataura railway station.

Mataura Community Board chairman Allan Taylor has said the board was waiting for consent for the relocation of the building, which was still in KiwiRail ownership.

He would not say where it was proposed the building would be moved to, as neighbours had not yet been notified.

"It’s still within the town — we want to keep it.

"Once we’ve got consent then we can go to the neighbours," he said.

In 2019, the board had voted to buy the building from KiwiRail, but ownership had not yet changed.

If consent was not granted, there was interest from outside parties to relocate the building, he said.

"But we feel it’s within our means [to do the project]."

"It has great history not just for Mataura but for the whole district."

He confirmed the board would know more about the building’s future in the new year.

The station was built in 1921, at a cost of £1696 plus an additional £600 for the veranda, 10 months after the original station was destroyed in a fire.

The Rail Heritage website says it was one of the most recent extant Troup Vintage station, with a symmetrical form and had gabled wings facing the station on both ends of the main building.

"Mataura is one of the most attractive and original railway station buildings. In its use of slates, coloured glass and careful detailing, it can be regarded as something era high point in railway station architecture," the website says.


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