The former pupils — Holly Mercer, Petra Shotwell, Jack Arbuckle, Luke Burke, Olive Blyth and Sienna Shotwell — along with MAC head of learning area arts Emily McRae, have created a promenade immersion-style performance for the Festival of Colour, a weeklong celebration of the arts in Wanaka starting tomorrow..
Elephant Talk explores the impact of digital communication and isolation on young people, and their ability to have difficult conversations.
The show allows intimate conversations between friends to be observed in all their "clanging awkwardness".
Each scene is written by a former pupil.
McRae said she had been interested in the dynamics created through an increasing reliance on devices and the isolation experienced through Covid-19.
"We can be really good at saying ‘oh those young people with their devices’, but actually ... how do you have these conversations?
The project was a collaborative work involving current pupils and the school music department.
"It’s been a nice cycle — giving back to the festival, giving back to the next generation of kids here.
"It has been a very special experience seeing these generous and caring young adults give back to the place and departments that helped to fashion their love for the performing arts.
"We are so proud of all the cast and their brave willingness to be vulnerable, share experiences and stories that are interwoven in aspects of the scenes."
Elephant Talk will be held at Mount Aspiring College from March 27 to April 1.