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The crowd enjoys the atmosphere at the Omakau Trots yesterday. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON

A warm sunny day meant for a pleasant day out for those attending yesterday’s race meeting. PHOTO: ELLA JENKINS

Ciara Ratten-Johnson, 10, of Dunedin made sure she was sun smart. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON

Being put through their paces are the horses in race 3. It was won by Jayar Mac ahead of Major Burns (second) and Sky Patrol (third). PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON

Blue skies and a few distant clouds form a colourful backdrop to the
racecourse at Omakau. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON

Wilbour Lacey, 2, from Kalgoorlie Australia, gets a ride to the track. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
There was plenty of excitement on a cracking day for the races at Omakau yesterday. Photographers Gregor Richardson and Ella Jenkins took in all the action.