They have come to the Masters Games in Dunedin from Darwin to have fun and make new friends.
This epitomises what the Masters Games are about to most of the participants. It is a chance to have a good time and socialise with new friends.
Like most Australians, Maggie enjoyed swimming when she was growing up and she was always involved with Royal Life Saving.
''I've always loved the water,'' she said.
''Our eldest daughter was a very good swimmer.''
Maggie (76) got back into competitive swimming in masters events 10 years ago.
Michael (64) joined his wife in masters sport four years ago.
''I wasn't going down to the Masters Games at Alice Springs just to watch,'' he said.
But he was not a swimmer and had to think of another sport to try.
''Athletics was the only sport I could think of when Maggie told me I had to take part,'' he said.
They did not know what indoor rowing was about but tried it out at the New Zealand Masters Games in Wanganui last year.
''We walked in and found out what it was at the time,'' Michael quipped.
They liked their first visit to New Zealand and wanted to come back.
Maggie fell over at her Darwin home seven weeks ago and chipped her hip and was not able to compete in the walks.
''I wasn't supposed to be doing athletics but I did and I competed in the throwing events,'' she said.
Maggie enjoys competing at Masters Games.
''I think it is fantastic when all sports are there,'' she said.
Michael has enjoyed the Masters Games.
''It's great,'' he said. We are not competing for sheep stations.''
Maggie has won nine medals in the women's aged 75 to 79 grade - 6 three gold, four silver and two bronze.
Her gold medals came in the 50m butterfly (1min 39.94sec) in swimming and the discus (13.12m) and hammer throw (14m) in athletics.
Michael won a silver medal in the long jump with 2.69m and four bronze medals in the men's aged 60 to 64 grade.
He was fifth in the 5km walk in 38min 1sec.