Mama Hooch rapists to appeal convictions

Danny and Roberto Jaz in court last year.
Danny Jaz, left, was sentenced to 16 and a half years in prison, and his brother Roberto 17 years. Photo: NZ Herald
Two brothers convicted of drink spiking and sexual assault at their Christchurch bar Mama Hooch will head back to court in October to appeal their sentences and convictions.

Danny and Roberto Jaz were sentenced last August after being found guilty of nearly 70 crimes including rape, sexual violation and stupefying.

Roberto Jaz was given 17 years in prison with a minimum non-parole period of 8.5 years.

Older brother Danny was given 16-and-a-half years with no parole available until at least eight years had been served.

The brothers lodged an appeal against their convictions and sentences in September 2023.

Their appeal will be heard in October this year in the High Court in Christchurch.

In a judge-alone trial in 2023 they were convicted of 69 charges relating to 23 victims, mostly women aged 18 to 24.

The charges ranged from rape, assault and sexual violation to making an intimate visual recording, drugging, drink spiking and stupefying.

The offending between 2015 and 2018 was linked to the central Christchurch bar Mama Hooch and neighbouring restaurant Venuti. Both establishments were owned by their father, Michael Jaz.