December 23: Day respite care will return to the Otago Community Hospice next year after the Otago Daily Times' successful "Help the Hospice" campaign, which ended yesterday, having raised $304,000.
April 18: Staff and unions at Fisher and Paykel Appliances' Mosgiel plant are angered by the loss of 430 jobs announced yesterday, but chief executive John Bongard defended the decision as necessary to save the company.
March 31: A blaze that started in the basement and ripped through the upper storeys and roof of a 130-year-old central Dunedin building yesterday was deliberately set, police and Fire Service investigators say.
October 1, Apia: The death toll from the towering tsunami that struck Samoa yesterday morning following a powerful Pacific Ocean earthquake is certain to rise as rescuers deal with the devastation left in its wake.
October, 1: Horrified investors watched their wealth erode yesterday as volatile global markets slumped after the failure by United States politicians to reach a deal on rescuing the financial system.
February 26: The headline above the front-page photograph and report published in The New Zealand Herald yesterday read: "I came, I saw, I chundered".
April 25: Workers will move on to the Awatea St, Dunedin, site within weeks to begin construction of the $198 million stadium, after a High Court judge yesterday dismissed Stop the Stadium's last-minute attempt to derail the project.
When Patrick Tollan heard that South Canterbury Finance had gone into receivership yesterday morning, he headed straight for the company's head office in Timaru in an unsuccessful attempt to withdraw his savings.
March 12: "Fraud on a grand scale" was how Justice Lyn Stevens yesterday described the actions of former Otago District Health Board chief information officer Michael Swann and his friend and business associate, Kerry Harford.
September 16: Clayton Weatherston's jail sentence for murder - 18 years before being eligible for parole - was too light, Sophie Elliott's father, Gil, said yesterday.
It was delight not doom for Dunedin neurosurgery campaigners yesterday with the news the service in the city will be enhanced rather than dropped.
The Greymouth region is in a state of limbo as it awaits news of the fate of 27 miners unaccounted for after an explosion at the Pike River coal mine.
February 23, Christchurch: Darkness, rain and temperatures were falling in Christchurch last night, with people still trapped in buildings crumpled by a massive earthquake waiting for search and rescue teams to get them out alive.
March 12, Tokyo: The biggest earthquake to hit Japan since records began 140 years ago struck the northeast coast yesterday, triggering a 10m tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings on fire.
The important undertaking of placing upon the waters of the Molyneux a steam vessel, adapted for river navigation, has been successfully accomplished by Captain A. Murray.
The Otago Benevolent Institution has now entered preliminarily upon its work, in a systematic way.
The only system hitherto practicable has been that of doing as much good as possible by the application, in a necessarily unsystematic way, of the funds provided by the public.
The West Coast Exploration Party, under the leadership of Mr Vincent Pyke, returned to Clyde yesterday morning.
The first New Zealand Exhibition was successfully opened yesterday.
The polling for the first Mayor of Dunedin took place yesterday.
For the third time within ten days, the inhabitants of Dunedin have been startled from their sleep by the fierce pealing of the alarm bell.