Ancient saga

Sharing a story from her childhood in Delhi at multilingual storytelling festival Around the World in 80 Tales is Ambika Kohli, of Dunedin.Her story is called Arjun and the Bird's Eye, a tale from the Mahabharata, one of the ancient Hindu scriptures. Dr Kohli will tell the story in English and in Hindi.

The story tells the tale of the hero Arjun, the boy prince who grows up to become a great archer.

"It is all about when you want to achieve something, the only thing you should see is your goal."

Dr Kohli grew up hearing these stories — "it is part of our history".

"It is part of our religious belief, because I am a Hindu."

She also had a particular fondness for this story.

"It goes to my heart, and I named my son Arjun, he is two and a half years old."

Around the World in 80 Tales free storytelling festival this year has been divided into three events, Winter Tales, Spring Tales and Cultural Bites.

Winter Tales takes place at Dunedin City Library this Saturday July 3 from 11.15am to 2.30pm.

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