After discussions between the university and Otago University Students’ Association, a five-point grade increase will be applied to tests and assignments done between August 18 and 27.
‘‘It’s really helped alleviate stress for students,’’ association president Michaela Waite-Harvey said.
Students were in lockdown the week before mid-semester break, which was typically riddled with assessments, so the grade bump recognised they might not have performed their best.
‘‘This is just helping accept the fact that they probably did worse because of the stressful situation they were in.’’
Ms Waite-Harvey said the increase was well-received and happened quickly.
A similar increase was implemented after last year’s lockdown.
‘‘It was good that we were able to talk to the university, explain the situation and it really wasn’t a big hurdle to jump over.’’
Online learning would continue in Alert Level 3 and study bubbles would be reinstated.
In an arrangement introduced last year, students in their bubbles would be able to book a space on campus to study.
That was helpful, as it allowed students to get back into their usual study routine.
‘‘A lot of students don’t have good study spaces in their flats.’’
Since people over the age of 18 were now eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine, the association was keen to spread the word about the various clinics that were open.
Students are on mid-semester break this week.