And in the midst of the current cost-of-living crisis, foodbank co-ordinator Michelle Kerr is keen to highlight that the non-judgemental, community service is available to all those in need in the area, at its central Mosgiel base in Wickliffe St.
Mrs Kerr said it had been drawn to her attention that some in the community did not know about the foodbank, so she wanted to get the word out.
"In such hard times, we are really concerned that people know how to access our help when they need it," she said.
"During the Covid period we got a lot of people coming in needing help, so would have expected more in this current economic climate.
"We know a lot of people are doing it tough out there."
Although the Mosgiel Foodbank generally dealt with fewer people than the bigger foodbanks in Dunedin, demand had grown over the years, Mrs Kerr said.
She has been part-time co-ordinator for the past 12 years, working with about a dozen volunteer helpers across the week to give out food parcels. She was previously involved for several years as a volunteer.
The cost-of-living crisis had made it very difficult for many in the community to make ends meet and the cost of food, rent and electricity were often cited as the reason a food parcel was needed.
The foodbank team were friendly and welcoming to clients coming in to the space, knowing that it could be embarrassing to ask for help, Mrs Kerr said.
"People sometimes say it is hard to come through the door, and I can understand that — it’s not easy to admit you need help.
"Each person’s circumstances are different, so we chat to them and get an idea of what they need, then we go from there."
The steadfast support of the "wonderful" local community, who dropped off donations daily, ensured the foodbank had enough supplies to keep up with demand from those in need.
"Having those donations coming in every day is what makes it possible for us to help our people," Mrs Kerr said.
"We are very grateful to those generous local people."
Founded in 1991, with the backing of local church parishes, Mosgiel Community Foodbank has been based in a hall at the back of Mosgiel Methodist Church, Wickliffe St, since 1999.
The foodbank is open 10am-11.45am, Monday to Friday.
For information, phone 022546-2610, or email mosgielfoodbank@gmail.com