Dunedin Wantoks, a collective of Melanesians residing in Dunedin, is presenting a series of conversations that explore the history, diverse cultures and languages of the Solomons.
The theme for the week is "Protektim langguis an kalsa blong yumi — Protect our language and culture".
This year, the Ministry for Pacific Peoples, which supports communities in the delivery of their Pacific Language Week by providing resources, is including Solomon Islands Pidgin and Papua New Guinea Tok Pisin for the first time.
Solomon Islands Pijin Langguis Wik episodes air on 105.4FM and 1575AM tonight at 7.30pm and tomorrow at 4pm.
• Podcasts are available from oar.org.nz and other major platforms.
A full schedule of programmes can be found at www.oar.org.nz.