An increase in demand for food parcels plus the cancellation of the annual emergency services can drive left foodbanks facing a "pretty grim" Christmas and New Year period.
But the community rallied.
As an alternative to the can drive, a contactless drop-off centre was organised in South Dunedin and many businesses and community groups held their own collections.
About 13 pellets of food were collected and $2500 was raised, which will be split between the foodbanks at Presbyterian Support Otago, the Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul.
Can drive co-ordinator Aimee Taylor said while things got off to a slow start at the drop-off centre, the end result was amazing.
"The foodbanks have all agreed that they’ve probably got close to the same amount that they would normally get with a normal can drive," Ms Taylor said.
She initially thought it might be tough getting people to deliver the food items "rather than just walk out to their gates and see the collectors run past" but it ended up being an "amazing success".
It was clear some people had bought items from the supermarket specifically to drop off, she said.
"There was such an array of stuff.
"It was just really heartwarming to see."
Staff at the foodbanks were thrilled with the amount that was collected.
"They were looking at what might have been a pretty grim Christmas and New Year period, and they were going to be struggling to give people food parcels over what should be a really festive time for people."
Now, because of the collections, they were able to provide food to people so they could celebrate Christmas.
"Everybody deserves to enjoy Christmas."
Ms Taylor thanked the volunteers, businesses and public for their help and support.
While organisers would ideally like to go back to the usual emergency services can drive next year, it was good to know "plan B" worked, she said.
"It’s always an option for next year."