If you are eager to scratch the "Central" itch you may find success with a number of these "value" or "entry level" offerings, often made in larger volumes which makes them more accessible to the supers and larger liquor store chains, while their price points make them very affordable options for restaurants. Moreover, they’re made to be drinkable in their youth which is absolutely what’s going to happen when you’re on the road. Enjoy!
2022 Ted by Mount Edward Central Otago Pinot Noir

2022 Gibbston Valley Gold River Central Otago Pinot Noir

2022 Misha’s Vineyard Tempo Central Otago Pinot Noir

2022 Main Divide by Pegasus Bay North Canterbury Pinot Noir

2023 Rua Central Otago Pinot Noir

2024 Mora Laeto Central Otago Pinot Noir