Today, May 12
Friends of Dunedin Botanic Garden plant sale, 9am, upper garden administration yard by carpark. Intriguing plants, bargains, atmosphere, inspiration and expert advice.
Monday, May 14
Dunedin Vegetable Growers Club meets at St Patrick's Parish Centre, 42 Macandrew Rd, South Dunedin at 7pm. Speaker Alison Lambert on cooking silverbeet. Club talk: Mike Stevens on secateur maintenance. Competition: silverbeet in a container. Brains trust, seed swapping/sharing, sales table. Inquiries: Margaret 489-2030 or Carol at 454-4625.
Wednesday, May 16
Otago Daffodil Club annual dinner and 2012 World Daffodil Convention and National Show in Dunedin update, 6.30pm at Heff's Hotel Logie Restaurant, South Dunedin. Inquiries to Russell Findlay on 489-8204. Bookings close today.
Thursday, May 17
Outram Garden Club, Outram Community Hall, 7.30pm. Speaker Davie from the Red Barn. Competition: 1 parsnip, 1 potato, a seedhead and a nerine.
Otago Alpine Garden Group. Susan More will be speaking on her travels in Turkey and Crete, 7.30pm, Botanic Garden Centre, Lovelock Ave. Non-members welcome.
Saturday, May 19
Sawyers Bay Garden Club meets at the Emmanuel Church hall, Station Rd, Sawyers Bay. Speaker author Barbara Keen on her book Grace and Flavour. Competitions: vase of hydrangeas, chrysanthemum large and small, two carrots.
Friday, May 25
Balclutha Floral Art Club presents floral theatre "Element of Surprise", by Francine Thomas, of Tauranga. Balclutha Town Hall, 7.30pm. Tickets $30 from Balclutha iSite.
Contact us
Email notices by noon Wednesday to or write to ODT Editorial Features, PO Box 181, Dunedin.