St Leonards School biodiversity facilitator Trudi Webster shows pupils James (8) and Katie (7) McMillan kits that will help them monitor wildlife in their backyards.
The siblings will be the first at their school to take home the kits.
Dunedin City Council Enviroschools regional co-ordinator Jennie Upton said St Leonards was the first school to receive the kits, which are being delivered to 18 schools as part of a new project called Backyard Biodiversity.
St Leonards was rated ''silver'' under the Enviroschools rating system, but the school ''has decided that it would like to work towards becoming a green-gold Enviroschool'', Ms Upton said.
She co-presented the project to the school in an assembly yesterday, and said it was a way for ''children and community members [to] see what's in their backyard''.