Historic china returns to Larnach Castle

Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.
Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.

Larnach Castle owner Margaret Barker unpacks a china set given to William Larnach and his third wife, Constance de Bathe Brandon, when they married in 1891.

Mrs Barker bought the set off Jill Moon, Constance's great niece.

Part of the china set will be displayed in the butler's pantry at Larnach Castle, while the rest will be displayed in a cabinet in the music room - which is being refurbished.

Mrs Barker said she was ''absolutely thrilled'' to buy the set.

''We are always looking for things that were in the castle, to bring them back,'' she said.

The set carried ''a lot of history''.

The music room, in which it would be displayed, would be open by the school holidays, Mrs Barker said.

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