Meeting minutes from 1921 unearthed by 50-year Taieri Plunket volunteer Val Burridge show how the organisation has changed through the years.
The discovery was made before last Friday's public meeting, at which executive members with voting rights voted to ''unincorporate'' the Taieri branch.
Plunket's Otago area president Georgina Dunstan said there would be no change to Plunket's services, and the move was a formality.
''Really, it's just reducing a layer in the organisation,'' Mrs Dunstan said.
Plunket groups in Mosgiel, Lee Stream, Outram, Green Island and Middlemarch previously reported to the Taieri branch office, which reported to the Otago area board.
The amendment means the Plunket groups would now report directly to the Otago area board.
Mrs Burridge, who has been a Plunket volunteer for 50 years, has seen many changes through the years.
''I've seen a lot come and go, a lot of changes. But we were always prepared to move with the times, and change is important.''
Mrs Burridge found the minutes inside a box of Plunket papers that had been passed to her.
The first page, dated February 22, 1921, recorded the forming of the Taieri branch, but did not note who was present at the meeting.
Mrs Burridge said that was very different from today, where those absent, present and who voted on decisions were recorded.
- Robert Steven
From the minutes
''A representative meeting of ladies from Dunedin and surrounding districts was held in the Coronation hall on Friday, December 9, 1921, to consider the advisability of forming a branch of the Plunket society on the Taieri. All the ladies present to be formed into a committee.
''The following people to be elected as office-bearers; Mrs Allan-reid as President, Vice-president Mrs C Findlay, Treasurer Mrs Shand. With all the business and the usual thanks being passed, the meeting adjourned.''