Roxburgh Children's Health Camp staff (clockwise, from left) Rosey Pope, Carol Hastie, Martin Stuart and Tania Blanchard attend the opening of the organisation's Dunedin office this week. Photo by Linda Robertson.
Health Camp Otago and Southland regional manager Martin Stuart said staff worked with more than 300 children aged 5-12 each year in the southern region, helping them to deal with physical, emotional, social and mental health challenges.
"Much of the work we do is in the home. Often, children we are working with do not come to an out-of-home stay at our Roxburgh Camp.
"Many others have follow-up work in the home following a camp stay.
"In order to be more accessible to the children we work with and their referers, we have opened an office in Dunedin," he said.
The office, which opened this week at the Cancer Foundation Building in London St, will accommodate two staff.