Royal baby name choices 'pretty cool'

Kavanagh College pupil Charlotte Cogger (12) shares  first and second names with Princess...
Kavanagh College pupil Charlotte Cogger (12) shares first and second names with Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Photo by Peter McIntosh.

Dunedin 12-year-old Charlotte Cogger has learned she has two things in common with the newest member of the Royal Family - the same first and second names.

The Kavanagh College pupil said yesterday it was ''pretty cool'' the Royal baby, born on Saturday, had been named Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge.

The year 8 pupil said Charlotte was a nice name.

''With Charlotte you can have a lot of different short names.''

Her father and some friends called her Charlie. Other friends from previous years at St Brigid's School called her Cece.

She also has two middle names - Elizabeth Eileen.

Although she was too young to remember Diana, Princess of Wales, she thought it was ''nice'' Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, had acknowledged the names of his grandmother and his late mother.

Yesterday, the Otago Daily Times spoke to several Charlottes around Otago, asking them:

1. What do you think of the name Charlotte?

2. What do people call you for short, or as a nickname?

3. What do you think about Diana being included in the princess' name?

Charlotte Welsh (24), sales consultant, of Dunedin.

1. ''I really like it; it's got a nice ring to it. ''

2. ''Charles.''

3. ''I really like it.''

Charlotte Horne (6), East Taieri School pupil, of Mosgiel.

1. ''It's good because it's my name too.''

2. ''Char.''

3. ''Good.''

Name: Charlotte Va'afusuaga (8), East Taieri School pupil, of Mosgiel.

1. ''It's a good name.''

2. ''Charlie.''

3. ''Good. I don't know much about Princess Diana but I like the name.''

Charlotte Napier (24), personal assistant, of Oamaru.

1. ''I have always loved my name and I think it's an older name that has never aged.''

2. ''I have been called over the years Charlie, Charley and Char.''

3. ''I think Diana is a great way to remember and connect with the late Princess Diana.''

Charlotte Ellis-McGartland (14), South Otago High School pupil, of Kaitangata.

1. ''I think it's pretty unique. It symbolises light in other languages.''

2. ''Mum calls me Lotte. My class at school calls me Charleeto.''

3. ''I think it's quite nice that they respect her and give her acknowledgement in her name.''

Charlotte Spencer-Bower (24), graphic designer, of Wanaka.

1. ''I personally actually really like the name. You can get nicknames out of it ... .''

2. ''My family and close friends call me Charlie or Char.''

3. ''I think it's important to acknowledge Diana because she was such a huge part of the Royal Family, particularly for the boys, William and Harry.''



Popular choice

• Charlotte was the most popular name (eight examples) in last year's Otago Daily Times birth notices and second-most popular girl's name in 2013 (six).

• Charlotte was the most popular baby girl's name in New Zealand last year and in 2013.

• In the past year, 256 babies born in New Zealand have been named Charlotte, 91 Elizabeth and nine Diana.



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