25 arrests in Rotorua in gang, drug crackdown

A two-day crackdown on Rotorua gangs and drug dealers has led to the arrests of 25 people on methamphetamine and cannabis charges.

Forty police officers executed search warrants at 13 houses and one retail outlet at the end of two police operations - one focusing on cannabis dealers and the other on methamphetamine and gangs.

Acting Rotorua area commander Ed Van Den Broek said police seized cannabis packaged for sale and stolen property during the raids.

Eighteen men and seven women were facing a variety of charges, including supplying methamphetamine and cannabis.

Mr Van Den Broek said the operation went wider than the drug trade.

"Coming into the summer season we traditionally see an increase in dishonesty offending and we know there is a definitive link between the two crimes.

"We want to send a clear message that we won't tolerate this sort of behaviour in Rotorua and these operations will continue until that message gets through."

Mr Van Den Broek is encouraging people to report drug offending.

"Drugs cause nothing but misery and most people don't want them in their communities or want their children exposed to the risks.

"With the community acting as our eyes and ears and reporting suspicious behaviour we can make a significant dent in the trade."

Mr Van Den Broek said the cannabis-growing season was underway, and people using rural areas for work or recreation should be vigilant.

The public should look out for people repeatedly going to the same locations, at odd times, or going where they were not supposed to be.

Cannabis growers may take vehicles to rural areas that were closed to the public or difficult to access, and could be carrying shovels, spades and other equipment into the bush.

Other suspicious signs include unusual lights at night, distinctive smells, and items going missing from rural properties such as farm bikes and fencing equipment.

Police are also urging people to take note of suspicious activity at residential and commercial properties, including increases in fence heights, curtains closed day and night, and blocked-out shed and garage windows.

Other signs include bright lights on constantly or at strange times, the constant sound of fans, or vehicles and people visiting at all hours of the days.


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