Classical-pop singer cops abuse online

Yulia Townsend
Yulia Townsend
Christchurch singer Yulia and her husband have contacted police, concerned about escalating abuse directed at them on punk and rock music websites.

The pop-classical singer and husband/manager Glyn MacLean also had their home address published online and were the victims of prank phone calls, The Press newspaper reported.

A forum on the Out of Kilter rock label included comments about "spiking Yulia's drink" and calling her a "mail-order retard", referring to her Russian heritage.

Punk forum website had also hosted graphic sexual comments about the singer, which had since been removed after being contacted and warned by police. was threatened with charges of criminal nuisance and criminal harassment after posts suggested users should "escalate" their attacks.

MacLean said the couple had also received late night phone calls, which prompted them to go to police.

Sergeant Vaughan Mead, of the Wellington police, said there had been some "very inappropriate" comments on Punkas and suggested the abuse was going too far.

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