St Hilda’s Collegiate School prizes

Kaya Fukushima.
Kaya Fukushima.
Honours awards

Kaya Fukushima (dux, all-round service); Holly Armstrong (proxime accessit); Casey Brown (all-round achievement).

Special prizes

Casey Brown (effort social sciences, senior debating, scholarship for theology and religious studies); Sarah Hurdle (oral French); Tessa McConachie (excellence investigating biology); Kaya Fukushima (service music, fine arts, library service, health sciences); Rachel Kinley (science shield, excellence in mathematics, science); Lola Garden (public speaking, editor  school magazine); Jamie MacKenzie (performing arts); Huiqiu (Tiffany) Zhou (accompanist cup); Tamara Mason (junior debating, highest achievement in middle school); Olivia Lucas (chairwoman school council); Rebekah Langsbury (contribution Te Ao Maori); Lili Sabonadiere (individual performance dance); Lilly-Anne Adam (special character junior school); Sophie O’Driscoll (special character senior school); Sophie Conner (endeavour  junior school); Charlotte Cotter (endeavour  senior school, assistance  coaching); Katherine Inder (outstanding service  Tolcarne); Sophie Dempster (contribution  Tolcarne); Casey Brown, Nicola Wilson-Stewart (spirit, initiative, leadership); Nicola Wilson-Stewart (student representative on board of trustees); Wo Yung (Angel) Choi (international student leader); Aleisha Adams (assistance sports administration); Nicole Ruske (excellence single sport); Abbey Johnston, Olivia O’Neill (best all-round senior sportswoman); Olivia Gain (best all-round junior sportswoman); Grace Brenssell (passion project); Rosalie Leaper (highest achievement in  junior school); Helen Knott (all-round achievement year 11); Isabelle Robertson (highest achievement year 11); Anna Frame (memorial prize for visual art year 12); Adithi Alexander (all-round achievement  year 12); Madeline Guthrie, Emma Taggart (highest achievement  year 12).

Year 13 1st in class

Holly White (accounting); Elizabeth Fitchett year 12 (art history); Kaya Fukushima (biology, chemistry, mathematics with statistics and modelling, physics, visual art painting); Lola Garden (digital design, geography); Casey Brown (economics, English); Meeghan Campbell (financial mathematics); Holly Armstrong (French); Jamie MacKenzie (history); Katie Knowles (mathematics with calculus, music); Nicola Wilson-Stewart (media studies); Caroline Burchell (performing arts dance); Amy Kornyei (performing arts drama); Charlotte Cotter (physical education); Amelia Knott (Spanish); Olivia Finnie (visual art photography).

Year 12 1st in class

Emma Taggart (accounting, physics, pure mathematics); Imogen Corbett (art history); Laura Simpson (biology); Ella McDonald (chemistry, mathematics, outdoor education); Nok Hei (Natalie) Tung (design and visual communication); Rachel Wilson (digital design); Josephine Cook (economics); Madeline Guthrie (English, media studies, music, performing arts drama); Bronte Chamberlain (French); Tessa Woodhouse (geography); Emma Crampton (history); Rebekah Langsbury (performing arts dance); Olivia Whelan-Henderson (physical education); Sarah Cochrane (Spanish); Katherine Inder (textiles); Anna Frame (visual art painting); Nicole Ruske (visual art photography).

Year 11 1st in class

Yvie Finn-House (design,  visual communication); Madison Byers (economics); Isabelle Robertson (English, mathematics); Helen Knott (French); Catherine Davidson (geography, history, science); Emily Perry (legal studies, visual art); Lillian Gibbs (music); Abby Donaldson (numeracy); Zara Anthony-Whigham (performing arts dance); Cameron Taylor (performing arts drama); Olivia O’Neill (physical education); Kiriana Hunter (Spanish); Amelia Philips (textiles).


Year 13 

Holly Armstrong, Casey Brown, Kaya Fukushima, Lola Garden, Amelia Knott (general excellence and general excellence with diligence); Olivia Finnie, Jamie MacKenzie, Lili Sabonadiere (merit); Caroline Burchell, Charlotte Cotter, Lily Dykes, Holly Miller, Melina Palmer (diligence).

Year 12

Adithi Alexander, Elizabeth Fitchett, Madeline Guthrie, Gabrielle Hunter, Amy Jones, Rachel Kinley, Ella McDonald, Emma Taggart (general excellence and general excellence with diligence); Emma Alcock, Imogen Corbett, Emma Crampton, Katherine Inder, Laura Simpson, Laura Taylor (merit and merit with diligence); Sophie Borthwick, Bronte Chamberlain, Josephine Cook, Megan Crawford, Mariette Devereux, Charlotte Dippie, Anna Dixon, Lucy Gallagher, Neave Jamison, Menglei (Alice) Wei, Olivia Whelan-Henderson, Rachel Wilson (diligence).

Year 11 

Sophie Armstrong, Catherine Davidson, Yvie Finn-House, Jillian Heng, Isabelle Robertson, Victoria Tong (general excellence with diligence); Kate Higham, Kiriana Hunter, Helen Knott, Olivia O’Neill, Jessica Powell (merit and merit with diligence); Madison Byers, Hannah Hedges, Amelia Philips, Sophie Turner (diligence).

Year 10

Emma Burnside, Milly Elworthy, Tamara Mason, Kaitlin McIntyre, Anna Young (general excellence,  general excellence with diligence); Isabella Aldrich, Lily Chamberlain, Alannah Hamilton (merit,  merit with diligence); Rachel Caderas, Sophie Conner, Lucy Cotter, Briar Grounds, Emily Hardiman, Megan Meltzer (diligence).

Year 9

Bella Baker, Holly Bissett, Emma Christie, Emma Edwards, Ginny Smith (general excellence,  general excellence with diligence); Charlotte Coutts, Anna Engelbrecht, Lily Hornal, Isobel Keiller (merit,  merit with diligence); Grace Beattie, Madeline Bilkey, Grace Brenssell, Harriet Cottle, Ella Dixon, Olivia Hazlett, Emma O’Meara (diligence).

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